Monday, January 26, 2015

Day One

I have been absent on here long enough. I wanted so much to keep a record of our day to day for family when we moved out of state for a few years, but like many of my projects, it only got a little attention until I found another interest. Ever heard the joke, "I'm working on my PhD"?(Projects Half Done)I do have a lot of things I like to do, and my Pinterest boards just keep growing. So here is to a new beginning.
Day One.
Today was supposed to have an eye exam, but an hour before I was set to leave I got a call canceling my appointment. The flu caught my doctor and she canceled the rest of today's appointments. It was actually a relief not to go. I had way too much to do here. I ended up dropping it to the side anyway so I could enjoy the sunshine sent my way. January in Oklahoma and close to 80 degrees. I even got out one of my other projects and practiced a bit. My camera + my 2 kids not in school = photo-shoot. I haven't more than just the camera on my phone in months so I am a bit rusty. It's just for fun though.
Such additude. I don't know where she learned this one.

I love this one. She is always copy her big brothers.

After picking up my oldest at school we headed over to my sister's house for some quality time... on her tampoline.

looks like daddy here

Sean's eyes looked really great in this one.

Can we ever jump on a trampoline with out getting shocked?

So we spent tons of time outside today. Even when we got home we stayed outside until dark just running in circles playing tag. I hope it's those memories that my children remember. Those deep belly laughs from being chased round and round. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for starting this back up again. I love seeing any and all pictures of those babies. Love you girl!!!
